TM6 Software Update 3.3


Thermomix® Software Update 3.3


The smart Thermomix® TM6 is constantly upgrading and improving itself, with regular software updates being sent straight to your Thermomix® over-the-air wirelessly every now and then – giving you more value as you use your Thermomix® everyday.


The latest software update 3.3 allows you to child-proof your Thermomix® with pin code lock, introduces manual and mode setting when using Created Recipes, as well as Get Started with Modes “模” 力全开 that features 30 guided cooking modes recipes in Chinese! This new digital collection will automatically download and save into the Thermomix® TM6 for our local Singapore customers. Now you can now cook local dishes using High Temperature and Sugar Stages even without Wifi connection!


Follow these steps below to upgrade your Thermomix® software to version 3.3.


Step 1 :
Accept software notification to update your Thermomix® TM6 software
Manually go to Menu / Settings / Thermomix® Version and Update and click “Search for updates” button
Note : Do not preform/accept software update if you are cooking halfway
Check and confirm that your new device software is 3.3.xx


Thermomix® Software 3.3


Step 2 :
(Skip snd go straight to Step 4 if you do not need the Get Started with Modes collection in Chinese 模力全开
Go to Menu / Settings / Factory Reset and restart your Thermomix®
*Do not unlink your Cookidoo® account as we want to retain the Cookidoo® data


Step 3 :
After the Thermomix® reset and restart, go to Menu / My Recipes / Saved Collections
Check if “模”力全开 collection appears in your Saved Collection


“模”力全开 引导师食谱专辑


Step 4
Go to Menu / Settings / scroll and tap “on” to activate the PIN lock
Set your 4 digit PIN code


Thermomix® TM6 – Setting PIN code


Step 5
Go to Menu / My Recipes / Created Recipes
Start cooking any created recipe
You will see Manual Setting and Mode options for each cooking step giving you flexibility to cook manually or use an automated cooking mode for the cooking


Thermomix® Created Recipes – Manual and Mode settings



Click here for the full list of the new recipes in the Get Started with Modes Collection
“模” 力全开 食谱专辑

  • Bee Hive Cake 蜂巢蛋糕
  • Braised Egg 卤蛋
  • Browned Chicken Cubes 炒鸡肉块
  • Candied Almond 反砂杏仁
  • Chicken, Mushroom and Chinese Sausage Rice 腊肠香菇鸡饭
  • Coffee Candy 咖啡糖
  • Cordyceps Flower Chicken Soup 虫草花鸡汤
  • Crispy Garlic Slices and Garlic Oil 香脆葱片和葱油
  • Crispy Ikan Bilis 香辣江鱼仔
  • Crunchy Caramel Popcorn 焦糖爆米花
  • Dodol (Palm Sugar Glutinous Rice Sweet) 颗加焦
  • Golden Sand Prawns (Salted Egg Prawns) 金沙虾
  • Green Chillies with Pork Belly 青辣椒炒五花肉
  • Hand Ripped Cabbage 手撕包菜
  • Kam Heong (Golden Fragrance) Prawns 甘香虾
  • Lemon Curd 柠檬凝乳
  • Masala Squid 马萨拉花枝
  • Napa Kimchi 韩式泡菜
  • Natural Yoghurt 原味酸奶 (主锅版)
  • Nian Gao (Sweet Sticky Rice Cake) 年糕
  • Pork Belly in Shrimp Paste 虾酱五花肉
  • Salted Fish Pork Belly 咸鱼花腩煲
  • Shallot Oil 香葱油
  • Sous-vide Drunken Chicken 真空慢煮醉鸡
  • Sous-vide Salmon 低温三文鱼
  • Sweet and Sour Prawns 酸辣虾
  • Toast Peanuts 香烤花生
  • Vietnamese Lemongrass Pork Strips 越式香茅猪肉
  • Vinegar Pork Knuckle 猪脚醋
  • Yam Rice 芋头饭


Thermomix® SG : 全新 “模”力全开 中文食谱专辑


With the addition of this new digital recipe collection, you now have 191 recipes stored in your Thermomix® TM6, ranging from basic recipes, to restaurant quality dishes, perfect for whipping up meals for your loved ones.

Thermomix® – it keeps getting better on its own! Experience Thermomix® by booking your cooking experience now. Sign up for Cookidoo® – with 80,000 recipes, Cookidoo® is your one-stop resource for unlimited daily cooking inspiration and meal planning.